AirWarden™ 1.0 - Connected Particulate Matter Monitor
AirWarden™ 1.0 - Connected Particulate Matter Monitor
Eave AirWarden™ is a connected particulate matter (PM) sensor that uses laser scattering to measure air surrounding the device. This technology, together with high-quality and long-lasting components, enables precise measurements from the device's first operation and throughout its lifetime of more than ten years.
PM2.5 refers to particulate matter with particle diameter up to 2.5 microns and is among the most dangerous air pollutants. Due to their small size, PM2.5 particles can travel deep into the human lung and cause a variety of health issues; for instance, by triggering asthma attacks or contributing to cardiovascular disease.
The gas variant of AirWarden™ can detect Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) and other gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the part per billion (ppb) range.